How To Store Your Wine
If you have just started exploring the world of wine and have questions about storage and keeping your expensive bottle without compromising its greatness, then worry not. Here’s a guide on how you can store your beloved bottle (or bottles) of wine!
We know that not everyone has a fancy wine cellar or fridge that is specialised for wine bottles only! But with this guide, you’ll be able to spare your wallet with some massive (unnecessary) purchases while being able to ensure and keep the quality of your wines!
Storing wine has its important key elements that you have to take note of, also keep in mind that these will significantly affect your bottle so read on ahead!
What Temperature Should I Store My Wine?
Ideally, wine should be kept in temperatures between 12ºC - 14ºC. When storing bottles all around the year, the temperature should be maintained at those temperatures ONLY! Never ever store wines in hot places like garages, sheds, or near sources of heat like windows, fireplaces, and electric heaters. Why you may ask? Well, it’s simply because heat will create a compromise in the seal of a cork! Thus the freshness will get affected.
When the seal gets loose on a bottle of wine, the air penetrates the inside and then oxidises the wine! Other than that, wines when exposed to heat over time actually cook the wine and makes wine super sour! Ick! So if you want to keep your wine nice and fresh, keep it away from heat!
Does Humidity Affect Wine?
Aside from temperature, humidity also plays a huge factor in wine storing! These are usually for wines with cork sealing so for those out there who purchase corked wine bottles make sure to take notes! When you place your bottles in a storage area that’s too dry the cork might shrink! This will also cause your seal to be broken and oxidise your wine.
One should also note that white wines are more prone to oxidation compared to reds because reds have tannins that act as a “buffer” which slows down the oxidation process. When the storage area’s humidity is too high it could risk molding or mildew in your storage. Keep the humidity between 50% - 60%, anywhere lower than that could really dry out your corks and expose the wine!
How Does Vibration Affect Wine?
Usually, you wouldn’t have to worry about vibrations unless you’re storing your wine for a really long while! But if you’re buying a bottle and storing it to be used in a few weeks it wouldn’t really be a problem!
Vibrations are usually caused by outside factors such as appliances like dishwashers, fridges, and other electronics! Experts think that exposing your bottles to vibration creates chemical reactions over time, which may change the taste and quality of the wine!
Does Light Affect Wine?
One of the biggest mistakes of storing wine is storing it where the bottle can be exposed to sunlight. This is a huge N O! The sunlight can actually create adverse reactions with the amino acids in wine which creates them into bad-smelling compounds such as dimethyl disulfide (DMDS). Usually delicate white and sparkling wines are the ones affected as red wines have other compounds that serve as a barrier. But even though they do, storing your wine in a dark spot is still the best way to prevent it from getting a “light strike”.
Storing your wine doesn’t have to be so complicated, there are many ways you can ensure that the quality of your wine does not get compromised! There are many alternative storing furniture too if you’re going to get serious with wine collecting like pre-built wine cabinets and the like!
How do your store wine? Let us know if you have any other tips!